The Origins of the Summer Blockbuster The summer blockbuster is a cornerstone of modern cinema, but its origins are...
Film Degree
Flying High: The Skills and Value Behind Drone Cinematography
The accessibility of drone cinematography has transformed the media landscape by providing innovative and dynamic...
The Impact of Social Media on Media Consumption: Navigating the New Landscape
In today's digital age, the rise of social media has revolutionized the way we discover, consume, and engage with...
Breaking into the Industry: Career Paths for MediaTech Institute Graduates
At MediaTech Institute (MTI), we believe in empowering our students to pursue their passions and turn their creative...
Student Spotlight – Nyeela Love
Nyeela “Ny” Love is a MediaTech Institute graduate, and an enthusiastic filmmaker currently working to build her...
Eyes on the Prize: The Oscars
For nearly a century, the Academy Awards, fondly known as the Oscars, have stood as the pinnacle of achievement in the...
The Art of Collaboration: Integrating Digital Film, Animation, and Music in Creative Projects
In the ever-evolving landscape of the entertainment industry, the convergence of digital film, animation, and music is...
The Love of Filmmaking at MTI
If you’re like us, we can’t believe it’s already February, aka… the month of love! While many celebrate romantic...
Student Spotlight – Darryck Driver: From MediaTech to the Big Game
In the dynamic world of media and technology, few stories resonate as harmoniously as that of Darryck Driver, a...