In the vibrant world of animation and visual effects (VFX), MediaTech Institute's Animation and VFX Program stands out...
Animating for Games: Turning Your Skills into Interactive Experiences
Animation, since it was created over a hundred years ago, has been an increasingly dynamic field that transcends other...
The Art of Collaboration: Integrating Digital Film, Animation, and Music in Creative Projects
In the ever-evolving landscape of the entertainment industry, the convergence of digital film, animation, and music is...
The Love of Filmmaking at MTI
If you’re like us, we can’t believe it’s already February, aka… the month of love! While many celebrate romantic...
Instructor Spotlight – Natasha Paris
MediaTech Institute couldn’t do what we do without our amazing staff. A very important part of our Film and Video...
The Next Generation of Streaming
Ever since the first video streaming platforms hit the market, there has been no pause to the technological progress...
The Fusion of Art and Technology
In the long history of “artists”, humans have consistently been fascinated with the idea of revolutionizing art,...
Exploring Animation Techniques: From Traditional to Cutting-Edge Digital Animation
Muybridge’s frame-by-frame experimentAnimation has come a long way since its inception, evolving from simple drawings...
Unleashing the Power of AI: Visual Effects in Digital Filmmaking
Artificial intelligence (AI) is revolutionizing the visual effects (VFX) industry, making it possible to create more...