The MediaTech has adopted the National Association of Student Financial Aid Administrators (NASFAA) code of conduct for Institution. All officers and employees involved in the awarding of Title IV student loans of the school have acknowledged that they received a copy of the Code, understand it and will adhere to all components of it during their employment at the MediaTech.

The Code of Conduct includes:

  • Colleges are prohibited from receiving anything of value from any lending institution in exchange for any advantage sought by the lending institution. This severs any inappropriate financial arrangements between lenders and schools and specifically prohibits “revenue sharing” arrangements. Lenders can no longer pay to get on a school’s preferred lender list.
  • College employees are prohibited from taking anything of more than nominal value from any lending institution. This includes a prohibition on trips for financial aid officers and other college officials paid for by lenders.
  • College employees are prohibited from receiving anything of value for serving on the advisory board of any lending institution.
  • College preferred lender lists must be based solely on the best interests of the students or parents who may use the list without regard to financial interests of the College. This ensures that preferred lenders will be those the school has determined should be preferred by students as opposed to preferred by the school.
  • On all preferred lender lists the College must clearly and fully disclose the criteria and process used to select preferred lenders. Students must also be told that they have the right and ability to select the lender of their choice regardless of the preferred lender list.
  • No lender may appear on a preferred lender list if the lender has an agreement to sell its loans to another lender without disclosing this fact. In addition, no lender may bargain to be a preferred lender with respect to a certain type of loan by providing benefits to a College as to another type of loan.
  • Colleges must ensure that employees of lenders never identify themselves to students as employees of the colleges. No employee of a lender may ever work in or provide staffing assistance a college financial aid office.
  • The code can be read in it’s entirety at: